The Biggest Container Ships will anchor at Vizhinjam
Vizhinjam will the No.1 Deep Port and Mother Port of India within a decade .It has all the requisites to grow up to be a leading Port and become the Gateway of Indias Maritime Trade

Indias longest Railway Tunnel
The containers will be carried to the main yards from the Port side yards via railway .A 10 Km tunnel connecting Vizhinjam to Balaramapuram is planned

Longest Railway Tunnel in India
IA 10.7-km railway line, including a 9.02-km tunnel, has been proposed to connect the upcoming Vizhinjam International Multipurpose Deepwater Seaport to the railway network. This would be sufficient for the movement of nine to ten rakes every day for the next two decades. The total cost of rail connectivity, including the acquisition of the lands, is estimated at Rs 1,069 crore.
Longest NH in India will join through Vizhinjam
The NH 44 running from Kanyakumari to

The Logistic Hub
A Deep water Port located very closely to the International Maritime highway makes Trivandrum ideal to become a Logistics Hub .

Logistics Hub
Trivandrum will emerge as important Logistics Hub by the next decade -with the favourable turn of the Global trade and commerce post pandemic
Knowledge City
With the shaping up of the Technocity, Expansion of Technopark , Science city and Digital University along with number of research centres that are active in the Capital city of Kerala its posted to give a great thrust to knowledge lead economy